1. Type of Meditation Practiced. - Mantra & the Buddha Within
2. My Response to this type of Practice.
Fri- I practiced this today, but it was easier to fall asleep and to find my mind wandering
Sat- I practiced this today, but it was easier to fall asleep and to find my mind wandering
Sun- I practiced this today, but it still was easier to fall asleep and to find my mind wandering
Mon - I practiced this everyday, but it was easier to fall asleep and to find my mind wandering
Tues I read today instead, and I came across something called the Buddha within ((Journey of Awakening Page 75)), I also Chanted on the way to work while driving, I then took a breath in and out before I answered the phone, bring forward in my though the Buddha within.
Wed I practiced the Buddha within again
Thur I read and then I practiced a mantra that was about Gratefulness - I am so Grateful for all that I have - my home my teachers my growing spiritual practice
3. How my Response reflects in my Daily Affairs Starting Tuesday after I started practicing the Buddha within I had a much calmer day at work and I wasn't as short tempered
1. Purpose of Treatment
2. Treatment Formulated (day)
3. Treatment repeated: (days)
4. Demonstration Experienced: Day & Event
5. How Demonstration Reflects in My Daily Affairs
1. Partner Allan
2. Purpose of Treatment to be nonjudging, and more accepting
3. Treatment Formulated (day) staring on the theory that god judges on intention and not perfect word I though there was no reason to not start right away, so I started Thursday night, I started with God is all there is and that God was loving and understanding and accepting of all people, that God did not judge, I then aligned myself with that and then started that Allan was one with that as well, I then spoke my word about the truth about Allan, and then gave thanks and then released it into the law of God.
4. Treatment repeated: (days) I started Thursday night and I repeated this each day at night and in the morning
5. Demonstration Reported: (Day/s)
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