Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday Evening - Wk 3

Meditation - Chanting

This week we chanted something in a different language - what follows are my thoughts

When I know the words, I can really get into the emotions of what I am chanting about - When I know the words yet don't know the meaning (foreign languages) Then I am able to get into a rhythm which I call the heartbeat of the universe or God. When I find difficulty with the words, I find myself concentrating on trying to say the words (and I get frustrated). I usually enjoy chanting - this one I found difficult, but I could find comfort in this one given time.


Word Association - Attributes of God

? Joy, Love, Acceptance, Compassion

Finances -Patience, strength, abundance, truth, power, freedom, source, substance, Supply, energy, limitless

Health - Radiance, wholeness, beauty, divine vitality, serenity, harmonious , perfection, pure substance of spirit flowing through our bodies, balance , peace, abundance, brilliance, stillness, guidance, wisdom.

Relationships Love, passion, intelligence , compassion, delight, humor, kindness, acceptance, presence, oneness, unity, harmony

Career & Self Expression creative, beauty, truth , vision, openness, support, abundance, possiblity, divine potential, bliss, joy , infinite, harmony, acceptance


learn to listen

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